Anyone who tries to tell you that chinchillas don’t enjoy a massage just needs to take a look at this video below!
This little chinnie is simply reveling in his gentle massage.
But if you decide to do the same to your chinchilla, there are a couple of things you should be aware of.
Chinchillas have a ‘floating rib cage,’ and because of this you should be very careful not to apply too much pressure when massaging them. Yes, they love it, but remember how tiny they are – so you just need to be gentle. Rough handling of any kind can cause internal injuries to a chinchilla – not something you want to be doing to your furry friend. Be especially careful if you let children handle your pet. Kids don’t hurt animals on purpose, but can easily do so simply by being over exuberant. And a chinchilla has a long memory if he gets hurt by a human. After all, he doesn’t know that it wasn’t intentional.
Not only do many chinchillas love a massage, but many are particularly partial to being rubbed under the chin and around their ears. In fact, just like a dog or a cat enjoys the same. So have fun with your chinchilla – and the more you interact with him or her, the more you’ll get to know exactly what he likes. And it’s fun for you as well. In fact, stroking and playing with an animal has been proven to have a positive effect on human stress levels. It can even help bring down your blood pressure!
So just one more reason why having a chinchilla is a great choice for a pet.
Thanks for dropping by, and till next time – love those chinnies!
The post Chinchillas just love a Massage appeared first on Small Pet Select.